Hello! I wanted to post an update on what’s been going on in my world since I haven’t been online much lately.
I have some newer textile art pieces that are ready to show. Some of these pieces go hand-in-hand with in-progress music videos. I’m still in the process of trying to figure out the best way to show these works considering my extremely limited time and energy to seek out exhibition opportunities. I also have some new art sweaters and a small 2024 collection of handmade knit and crochet clothing pieces. I’m planning to share these projects once I resolve some issues I’ve been having with my computer and external hard drives. I then also plan to work on YouTube and my video projects.
I’ve had a lot of major life changes since my first video release last summer. I started a new job with more responsibility, which has required more hours of me. Because of my new position, I’ve switched to a new health insurance. There were major complications with that, as well with Medi-Cal, which, inexplicably, keeps getting renewed even though I’ve reported changes. I have also had to navigate new systems and networks, as well as security issues within those networks. This has all been extremely time-consuming especially considering the amount of medical conditions I have to manage within those networks.
I recently reached a goal I’ve been working towards for most of my life: I finally received my official POTS diagnosis! It has been 28 YEARS since my first POTS episode. I’ve also been diagnosed with chronic migraines and I received my first Botox for migraines treatment after having failed four medications over the years. I plan to spend the next few months on new treatments prescribed by my doctors and attempting to access diagnostics for other conditions. I fully expect it to be a process filled with trial and error, with much rest needed along the way. I’ve decided to start using an automated reply to text messages because I have been finding it stressful to keep up with messages from well-meaning, lovely friends. Unfortunately, by prioritizing the management of my chronic health issues and getting my studio back to where I want it to be, I don’t have much time or energy to chat or attend social events. I only have enough time for my health and for art at the moment- I’m hoping this vacation away from social life will allow me accelerated progress in my health so that I can dive back into my community and friend hangs soon.
I moved recently, from an artist live-work space to a regular old apartment. It’s smaller, so I’ve had to rent a storage space to keep my studio stuff. I’m still in the process of organizing so that I can easily access and swap out tools and supplies for works in progress.
My point is that even though I haven’t shown any new work recently, I have lots of completed work I haven’t shared yet and other new works in the pipeline. Every day, I’m working in some way or another to get those out, even if it means making major, time-consuming changes to my life. I’m slowly getting to a point where I can share more about my particular experience and worldview as a disabled person who continues to exist in this world despite all the challenges. More to say on that and I can’t wait to share with you. Hopefully, SOON.